The Department has a five seat network license (Code Meter) or users can obtain a free academic license from Bruker. The Software can also be installed and run on personal computers in the department. Besides the spectrometers, the software is available for processing/plotting on the external Linux workstations in the NMR lab. The Bruker Topspin™ software allows acquisition, processing and analysis of 1, 2 or 3D NMR data, and printing and export of the spectra.

TopSpin is available free of charge for all academic users. TopSpin was designed with a highly intuitive interface utilizing the most widespread standards familiar from word processing, graphics or presentation programs, providing the same look-and-feel for your NMR applications on Windows®, Linux®, and Mac. NMR MR in Pharma NMR Food Screening NMR Preclinical Screening EPR Preclinical MRI TD-NMR NMR Software EPR Software Surface and Dimensional Analysis Atomic Force Microscopes 3D Optical Microscopes Stylus Profilometers Nanomechanical Test Instruments Tribometers and Mechanical Testers Nanoscale Infrared Spectrometers Alicona Dimensional Metrology.