INI TWEAKS GRAPHICS AND PERFORMANCE iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3 It improves the sharpness of the shadows and has a least effect on the performance so you may not see any FPS loss even when you have set it to high. Change bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1 to bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=0 Change bShowQuestMarkers=1 to bShowQuestMarkers=0 HOW TO DEACTIVATE COMPASS Open SkyrimPrefs.ini, and search for section Change bShowCompass=1 to bShowCompass=0 Open SkyrimPrefs.ini Change bDrawLandShadows=0 to bDrawLandShadows=1 Change bTreesReceiveShadows=0 to bTreesReceiveShadows=1 HOW TO DEACTIVATE QUEST MARKER Open SkyrimPrefs.ini, and search for section. HOW TO ENABLE TREE AND ROCK SHADOWS More geared towards enhancing the graphics, this tweak will give your game an eye candy boost. Add iMinMemoryPageSize=100000 and iMaxMemoryPageSize=5000000 Add iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=1800000000 Be careful with these variables, especially iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes, setting it too high may result in random crashes and freezes. You can add this section to your config and then add the following values under it, if it isnt present. SKYRIM MEMORY TWEAK LAG FIX AND PERFORMANCE BOOST Open skyrim.ini, and check for section. Add fMouseHeadingYScale=0.0200 and fMouseHeadingXScale=0.0200 (You can tweak these values to what suits you best). TWEAK VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL MOUSE MOVEMENTS Open SkyrimPrefs.ini, and check for section. HOW TO SET ULTRA SETTINGS AND MAX ANTIALIASING AND ANISOTROPIC FILTER Open Advanced Graphics Options and max out everything but leave FXAA and Object Detail Fade unchecked. A value of 90 is a good choice if you want to increase default narrow FOV. HOW TO TWEAK FOV Open SkyrimPrefs.ini with a text editor and add fdefaultfov=XX at the bottom under. HOW TO DISABLE VSYNC Open SkyrimPrefs.ini with a text editor and add iPresentInterval=0 at the bottom under. HOW TO DISABLE MOUSE SMOOTH ACCELERATION Open SkyrimPrefs.ini with a text editor and look for bMouseAcceleration=1 under and change it to bMouseAcceleration=0.

GENERAL TWEAKS You can disable or enable these ini tweaks to improve either graphics quality or performance of the game. If you are tweaking Skyrim for performance, you may need to find a good balance between eye candy and performance. I will walk you through the effects of changing these configuration variables what benefits they bring at how much system resource.

Open SkyrimPrefs.ini with any text editor and find these lines to tweak them per your requirement. First, to be on the safe side, make a copy of back up of this file and save it somewhere on your hard drive. Go to Documents/My Games/Skyrim and find SkyrimPrefs.ini file.